Saturday, August 09, 2008

Some Weblogs Are More Equal Than Others

It's apparently never too late to start a weblog. George Orwell, for instance, has just begun his own blog, even though he died nearly sixty years ago. Chances are, though, that he won't be linking back to mine.

(The Orwell Diaries weblog, sponsored by the Orwell Prize, will consist of entries from Orwell's daily diaries of 1938-42, encompassing his sojourn in Morocco and the early years of World War Two. Each entry will be posted exactly 70 years after Orwell wrote it.)


  1. I like your blog - you must be a history prof! I like your take on subjects very educated and witty. Saw your comment about George Orwell was curious to see your blog and found it interesting to read.

  2. Thank you, Chantal! It's nice to be appreciated. I look forward to reading your weblog as well.
